March 28, 2018

As mentioned in my previous post, all the Lisp I wrote was using the Franz AllegroCL compiler, so other people might have different experiences.

Also as mentioned in my previous post, all opinions are my own, nobody pays me to write in my blog, etc.


In Part 1 of these posts I talked about all the things I really liked about Lisp, but I did mention in passing that some of the Good things can sometimes be Bad. There’s that, but of course there’s things that are simply bad.


The Bad: CL is a double edged sword that will also shoot you in the foot

What I had heard this in the past from other lispers, was that “CL is the lowest-level high-level language.” It took a bit to let that sink in, but at the end of the day there’s implications to that.

Things in CL, even the nicer ones, can come back to bite you big time. And if you get cocky, expect a lot of pain.

Beware of using lists everywhere

The nice thing about lists is that they can be used to represent almost any other data structure.


And by the end of it you want to pull your hairs out knowing exactly which data is being accessed at each point in time.

Please don’t use lists where a struct makes more sense, and please use classes more often.

Beware of declaim

This is one of the things I mentioned previously that I like, but when used wrongly, it can be a real pain in the butt.

So it turns out that not all code can or should be optimized, because we as developers sometimes take certain liberties that we perhaps shouldn’t, like using macros excessively.

Long story short, we had a case where a pervasive use of declaim without the use of (eval-when (:compile-toplevel) ...) was producing a segfault. Yes, you read that right. A segfault.

The thing is, when you have a project that is over 10K lines of code, you eventually start to run into issues and Stuff That Shouldn’t Happen (tm).

Most CL compilers come with default optimization settings that are safe, and if you abuse those, be ready for the pain.

Beware of thinking you really know what you’re doing

Well, given the above, that’s mostly what this point is about. You can have the most optimized and safe code available, and then you include a new dependency into your project that perhaps does some fancy optimization and then suddenly your app catches fire like no other.

In short, it’s very hard to know exactly all that is going on with your app and how it will interact with existing Lisp code, and if you get too cocky, you’ll pay the price. And honestly, this could be true for a lot of other programming languages, but I never saw it see it as often as in CL.

Beware of macros (…or the “macrology”)

As stated previously, macros are awesome, they allow you to abstract over patterns, create your own forms, and overall make your code more adaptable.

You know what’s not nice? The increased compilation time you get from abusing them. Again, I’m talking about apps that are over 10K LOC.

Also, as I mentioned above, one of CL’s major points is that code should be reloadable so you don’t have to shut down the Lisp image. Guess what the excessive use of macros will do? Get rid of that almost entirely.

You see, macros expand at compile time, so if you have a bug in your macro, and you fix it, simply reloading the macro definition won’t do anything and your code will still be buggy. This means recompiling the whole thing, or have very localized the places where it needs to be reloaded. It really throws interactive development out of the whole experience - and, truthfully, it makes for some huge headaches.

Beware the “dirty” lisp image

Interactive development again:

For all the nice things it has, it has a major pitfall that it doesn’t guarantee that things will work just as dandy as they do in your REPL when the Lisp is restarted.

In CL, load order matters, so the thing about interactive development is that accidentally adding cyclic dependencies between files in your project is stupidly easy.

Nothing sucks more than fixing a bug in your REPL, running the tests, all passing, and then integrations fail because the Lisp doesn’t compile due to a load-ordering issue you didn’t catch when being immersed in interactive development.

Not a good look.

Lots of other things are still problems

Mainly, the fact that the community is very small makes it such that whenever you need an integration for some provider, like AWS, you seldom find any resources online. Then you end up rolling out your own, which is normally not as complete as if it were to be developed by a healthy Open Source community.

This is a recurring pattern in the CL world, where there’s not really a “community” and it’s mostly just a bunch of “lone wolves”. Hardly any cohesiveness or any standarisation (aside from the excellent spec of course).

I saw as PHP got its shit together with PHP-FIG, and I think that unless something as radical happens, CL will just keep having many “lone wolves” around1.

DON’T use cl-json. JUST DON’T.

I’m not even gonna link to it.

I get it, it was probably written years ago. I really don’t know the whole story behind it. What I do know, is that there’s really no good reason to use this library over jsown.

And maybe even better, if you’re working in SBCL or CCL, use Jonathan.

Hurts to say, but it might just be a dying language

I think that in the year 2018, I think that Lisp holds up very well when compared to modern languages, even doing better than a vast majority of them (in my knowledge).

However, it may be a dying language not because it lacks any features, but because people are simply forgetting about it. I mean, of course, you have elisp, which might keep “lisp” alive, but CL didn’t even show up in the 2018 StackOverflow Survey2:

I know only secondhand how hard it is to find CL developers, or even capable developers willing to learn CL.

In my perspective, CL won’t die because it’s lacking any features or power (because as I hope to have shown, it has plenty of both), but because people just flock to different languages. It might be due to background, like for example when I went to college, most people went either for Ruby or Python, and I started getting acquainted with Haskell because I took an optional class about formal verification3.

Whatever the reason, the future seems rather dark for CL. But then again, it also feels like people have been saying this for about 15 years and here we are. I might very well be wrong, and I hope so!

Goodbye, CL

If you could sit through all my ramblings, then first of all THANKS for reading my blog! Secondly, if it’s not already obvious, I have lots of things that I love about Lisp, and lots of things that maybe I don’t love as much.

Like everything, it has its good and bad things. The thing about CL is that the good is so good, but the bad is so bad, that it makes it a language where most people either absolutely love it or absolutely hate it. Well, those that know about it, anyway.

I’m so glad I got the chance to write client-facing and mission-critical code in a language that has so much history, and in which many languages take their root. But for now I have to say goodbye to CL and my friends, at least for the foreseeable future, as I’ve decided to prolong my stay in Australia, with a local job included. Luckily for me, I’ll be writing Haskell again so I might write posts loving it or ranting about it instead.

Listening to

Of course I’m still listening to King Gizzard:


All amendments to this post can be found here.


  1. Of course, Lispers get together, too! You can check out the European Lisp Symposium, happening in Southern Spain!↩︎

  2. Though honestly SO might be dying as well, so who knows.↩︎

  3. But then again, I find myself questioning why I like CL and Haskell. In truth, any technology that dares to do things differently is enough to get my attention. I think that diversity is important, and when a certain technology dares to change things from a fundamental perspective, I think it adds positively to the mix. I would never come into an office and demand that all Python code be replaced with Haskell, or that all deployments should be done in Nix instead of CentOS, but I do believe that we can take ideas from all places and apply them in practice. If you always do things “the way they’ve always been,” then you run the risk of being outdated sooner or later.↩︎